Here Are Katie's Lists:

As a side note: All of my lists are Subject To Change.

In case you care, the lists are of the following nature: I Might Love You If You..., Favorite Things, Literature, Music, Movies, TV, Names, Words

"I Might Love You If You . . ."

- listen to me and don't just wait for your turn to talk
- are not afraid to stand out, but aren't afraid to blend in either
- don't mind getting your hands dirty and don't mind if mine are either
- dance
- have a voice like Chris Carrabba [Dashboard Confessional]
- have a southern accent
- have soft hands
- don't associate with people that hurt you
- would save my life
- don't listen to/watch things of an indie nature simply to be labeled 'indie' or 'be unique', but because you truly like it/them
- sing at innappropriate times
- remember when it's my birthday [May 31!]
- use the English language to it's fullest
- read
- don't need drugs
- are British
- are able to laugh and to make me laugh
- had the discipline to learn a musical instrument
- know the difference between a 'movie' & a 'film'
- braid my hair
- have strong arms
- have a '65 or '66Ford Mustang
- stare into my eyes
- play with puppies
- like being with kids
- say "whoopsiedaisy"
- have ever tried to read the dictionary
- miss me when I'm gone
- put parmesan cheese on your peporoni pizza, and then dip it in ranch dressing
- are willing to argue/debate issues with me
- aren't afraid to be romantic
- sometimes just want to listen to classical music and nothing else
- get chills from a great film and have to close your eyes
- offer to teach me how to drive
- like Paul Newman
- lean over and unlock the car door for someone
- cried in Schinder's List or Life as a House
- are average to above average
- let me hang out with your friends
- love the color blue
- like the Breadsticks & Cheese better than the Cheese & Crackers
- aren't overly possessive, but let your jealous side show every now and again
- are mature but have the maturity to know when it's good to just goof off
- wear a thumb ring
- can recognize a Friends quote when you hear one
- love the beach
- do that half stand up thing when a girl comes to the table
- love being barefoot
- drive me around everywhere
- have ever worn nail polish
- give me books, music, and movies
- remember the TV show The Snorks
- like road trips, truck stops, & tiny roadside diners
- know who Kevin Cadogan is
- like photography
- know the love quote from Chasing Amy [or even know what I'm referring to when I say "the love quote"]
- have a messy car
- more often than not, can get my Song of the Days
- have ever taken pictures of just the sky
- make people jealous of us when we're out together
- prefer peanut M&M's to regular ones [or, even better, likes the Peanut Butter ones the best]
- have ever used the word "hootenanny"
- take me to places where there are lots of nerdy Weezer boys
- ARE a nerdy Weezer boy
- named Hayden
- want to be a teacher
- like Paul Simon
- love poetry
- resemble Brad Renfro
- don't mind me making you watch all my favorite movies
- have pretty eyes
- ever tell me "As You Wish"
- can recite the balcony scene from Romeo & Juliet
- make me think
- teach me new things
- smell clean [like laundry detergent, bleach, or shampoo]
- [removed to keep from being creepy]
- are interested in forensics
- think that "1:47 exactly is an excellent time" [Joe]
- know the words to "The Night Chicago Died" or "Run Joey, Run"
- have a momento/souvenir/keepsake box
- have ever given $1 to the little kid in front of you in line at the store because he's short of cash
- open doors for people
- know what kind of rock "has no earthly business being in a Maine hayfield"
- have ever picked up a piece of confetti at a Weezer concert and put it in your wallet
- actually read through this entire list

And, in closing, here's a quote from the movie Music From Another Room. It's on what love is. I think it's a really good definition and it correctly describes the feelings involved. So, here ya go:

You know how when you're listening to music playing from another room? And you're singing along because it's a tune that you really love? Then a door closes or a train passes so you can't hear the music anymore, but you sing along anyway... and, no matter how much time passes, when you hear the music again you're still in exact same time with it. That's what it's like.

A Few of My Favorite Things

- the smell of bleach
- clouds
- the smell of new 35mm film
- coasters
- the sound of crunching leaves
- sugar packets [I collect - send them to me from all over the country!]
- Long's Drug Store [& my discount]
- Van's Wally shoes
- peanut butter products [esp. Reese's, Butterfinger, cookies]
- [square brackets]
- Camp Tenderfoot & Potowatomi
- lip products [except lipstick] [lip glosses, lip polish, chap stick, carmex, Bonne Bell]
- the smell of baking cookies
- hikes
- my video camera & 35mm camera
- Washington, D.C.
- flashlights
- tents
- accents
- the French language
- concerts
- the sound of taking a picture with a camera [the shutter]
- all my random pieces of "jewelry"
- big words
- lists

The Catcher in the Rye J.D. Salinger
The Green Mile Stephan King
The Hobbit Tolkien
Seven Days to a Brand New Me Ellen Conford
The Vampire Diaries Series L.J. Smith
The Giraffe That Got in a Knot ?
Sleepers Lorenzzo Carcaterra [?]
Shakespeare in his entirety

Noise From the Speakers
Third Eye Blind
Green Day
The Beatles
Dashboard Confessional
Nerf Herder
matchbox twenty
Phantom Planet
the K.G.B.
Smashing Pumpkins
New Found Glory
Jimmy Eat World

Them Moving Pictures
The Shawshank Redemption
The Princess Bride
American Beauty
My Cousin Vinny
Notting Hill
Forrest Gump
The Cure
Fight Club
Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid
Empire Records
Almost Famous
Schindler's List

The Tube
The Simpsons
Law & Order
Even Stevens
Gilmore Girls
Quantum Leap

- hootenany
- inebriated
- soiree
- rad
- predicament
- noxious
- music
- juxtapose
- kife
- booeymonger
- cad
- meander
- flunky
- edification
- spruce [as in up]
- hobknobbing
- profundity
- behooved
- inquisitive
- scoff
- ridiculous
- revamp
- quality
- abracadabra
- phalange
- infatuated
- problematic
- unhinged
- riffraff
- love
- abecedarian
- indubitable
- infeege
- gander
- uber
- psycho
- banter
- irk
- witty
- spectacular
- ahoy
- nifty
- flicker
- crackle
- giggle
- genuine
- randomosity
- yonder
- analog

Chester & Spencer [they make me giggle]

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